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Services |
Kettering TV Repairs offer servicing, repair and electrical PAT (testing) to ALL makes and ages of TV, video & audio equipment. Unfortunately, they are unable to repair physically damaged screen TVs, although they can recycle them for you at their weee recycling plant.
They can come to you and often fix the problem in your home, for more severe faults they'll return your unit to their workshop for repair. You can also opt to take your unit to them.
Kettering TV Repairs also offer bespoke repair, restoration and upgrades. They can even fit bluetooth capability to vintage audio units for modern connectivity, whilst retaining the original functions and appearance.
The engineers will always do everything to effect a successful repair. Repairs will be carried out to 'component level' wherever possible to keep costs to a minimum and ensuring repair cost viability.
"We hate to see equipment thrown away when it could be repaired and reused."
Servicing | repair and refurbishment to the following:
Owner KTV Repairs
TV and Monitors
Video players and Recorders
Audio equipment
Installation | set-up | retune
Aerial repairs and installation
PAT electrical safety testing
TV reuse service | registered WEEE recycling
Electric fire
GHD Hair straightener
Bespoke repair and manufacture
This is not an exhaustive list, if you have something you need repairing please get in touch.
Please refrain from sending questions regarding cracked or smashed screens....
Due to high manufacturers prices for replacement screens, TV's having suffered impact damage to the screen will be non-viable to repair.
This may change in the future at which time we shall offer a replacement screen service.
Note: We can prepare a report should you wish to claim on an insurance policy.
Kettering TV Repairs use reTrieV for insurance report preparation.
reTrieV work directly with insurance and extended warranty companies;
Please click on "insurance inspections" below for more info.
Repair | Refurbish | Restore | Reuse | Reduce
Recycling should always be the last resort!
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